Airport Carparks at Edinburgh & Glasgow

Our Airport Carparks
The car parks are open 365 days a year, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. The car parks are secured with CCTV cameras, full fencing, automatic floodlights and 24 hour guard dog patrol. Free 24 hour transfer to and from the airports, buses running every few minutes. Telephone lines open 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. All carparks have full insurance (please see terms and conditions).
Entrance to our Carparks is via Secure Gate Entrance Barrier and on Exit a unique PIN number is required before leaving, which you receive once you have checked out at reception.
Secure Parking
Security Parking at our Airport Carpark for Ediburgh uses modern technology along side good old fashion "on foot" guard dog patrols. Our CCTV which operates 24 hours per day utilises state of the art "Nite-Lite" infrared illumination, this works alongside and in conjunction with our Full Site Flood Lighting. The perimeters of our carparks are surrounded by 10 foot high electrified security fencing.
Free 24hr Coach Transfer
With approx. 2000 parking spaces in our purpose built carparks at Edinburgh Airport, allows us to give you the customer the best details in low cost Secure Airport Parking. When booking with us please keep in mind that we are independently owned & operated, your booking comes directly to us, not to a third party booking company who will charge you an additional booking fee.
To and From the Airport
Two-way radio controlled Courtesy Coaches operate continously throughout the day & night to transfer you, your family & luggage safely in comfort to the Airport for a great start to your holiday or business trip.

Find us
FlyingScot @ Low Cost Airport ParkingQueen Anne Drive, Ratho Station
Glasgow Road, Edinburgh, EH28 8PL.
0131 333 0091